First of all, the conference was in Toccoa, GA. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then maybe you haven't seen the great mini-series "Band of Brothers". This is where the real band of brothers - the 506th Parachute Infantry Division of the US Army's 101st Airborne - trained before they went off to fight in WWII. They ran up Currahee Mountain in their training, and shouted "Currahee" when going into battle. To get to the conference, we had to go down Currahee Street. I think next year that the tatting spouses may make a journey to the camp.
Toccoa is largely a farming community, in Stephens County GA. Don't you forget it.
If you lived in Toccoa and perhaps owned a mobile home, you could live here, in the Covered Wagon Mobile Home Community (Rentals available).
Your children would go to the Stephens County High School and be Indians. I saw signs with this SC arrowhead logo all over town.
You might pick up some clothes at Brenda's, For Much Le$$.
Need some pillows? You can get them here too. I hope they are not stuffed with hay.
And you can drive off to the next big town, Anderson SC, to go skating and to the mall. This is one of a pair of these giant skates in front of Skateland, which amused me mightily. The skates are painted white on the other side, and look carefully - this is a working vehicle! There are two seats and a steering wheel. I wonder where one would drive giant skates? Who would insure them? Can you go backwards in a circle? Hmmm...
In our home, I laughed at a sign Moe made. He used the label maker to put a sign on his door - "Caution: Extreme Awesomeness"!
I am celebrating Labor Day by doing as little as possible. Sleeping in tomorrow is the first order of business. What are you doing on a day off?

Sleeping in sounds good - but I'm by habit an early riser, so if I make it to 6AM I'll be lucky! After that - thinking about going back to Toccoa to explore the antique mall in town (adjoining The Cornerstone Restaurant) and get info on the B&B. I'll also be tatting!