Monday, January 23, 2012

TIAS Days 4 & 5

I've been tatting Jane's TIAS (Tat It And See for you non-tatters), and have finished Days 4 and 5. Here are my guesses:

Would you fly away, in my beautiful balloon? Or..

I'm still sticking with my first guess - it's a pig!

I saw this gorgeous sunset on the way home the other day. Today won't be so pretty. It's been raining for some time. My drive in to work today was not pleasant.

This is what I'd rather be doing today. See how happy Sophie and Cisco are on my messy bed? So warm and comfy. Instead, I'm working on 1099's for my company.

And here is Vader in his preferred spot, perched on my chair in my home office. He has a good view of the world there (and of a tatted heart Jane made). No real work for him!

Now Jane, how about Day 6?

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