Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Public tatting is now in view!

My tatting is on view at my church!

Here is my tatted cross on the pulpit during church service

Our church is diverse, which I like

I'm pleased - I think it looks good. People told me how much they like it.

FYI - that's not a minister in the pulpit - it's a student reading scripture. 

Also of note - the great banners on either side of the dais are our Creation banners, night and day.

And the stained glass in the back shows Jesus not as a White person. We have Black Jesus. Because Jesus wasn't White.

Also there are Black disciples - and women too!

 Enjoy - keep tatting!


  1. The cross looks great. Love seeing in its place. Bet everybody was impressed.

    1. Thanks - I'm pleased! I wore a tatted broach too!

  2. That's some very large tatting to show up from afar, well done! What a beautiful place. I love the quilted banners. Does the rainbow flag stay up all year? And good to see some women up in the pulpit area.

    1. The rainbow piece is up for Pride Month - June. We celebrate lots of things - Pride, Latin American Month, Asian American Month, etc! And yes, we fully believe in women in the ministry! If you look carefully at the disciples at the feet of Black Jesus, there are women too!

  3. Beautiful cross for your church and the wonderful stained glass windows, i am sure when the sun shines they would look magnificent

  4. Wonderful to have your tatting on display. Thanks for the explanations about the tapestries and windows too.
