Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Tatting Fling report

I've been negligent in posting on last weekend, and I apologize. I've had a couple of other things to keep me busy, one of which resulted in me listening to Bob Dylan while driving, and bellowing "How does it feel?!? To be on your own!!!"

But I digress.

We had a grand time on our Spring Tatting Fling 2011. There were five of us at the event - Sharren, Marie, Karieann, Catherine, and me, all part of Palmetto Tatters. We got adjoining rooms in a cheap hotel and stayed up late and chatted and tatted and ate chocolate. It was fun.

Presents were handed out. Everyone brought things to give out to everyone else - tatters are so generous! These darling little tatted items were done by Sharren (the tiny dragon) and Marie (everything else). Lovely tins of chocolate were handed to all. Nifty boxes for holding things were given, plus there was home made and bought food. I brought yummy spicy almonds and a loaf of homemade banana bread (I can send recipes). Karrieann made some delicious oatmeal raisin bars. There were many chocolate treats and other candies, plus salty crunchy things.

I think I gained five pounds.

Did I mention we went out to eat? Here's Marie with a lovely breakfast fruit item that was almost too pretty to eat. We hit the Cracker Barrel, the Awful House, a Chinese buffet, and Denny's. Nom, nom, nom.

Really, five pounds.

We tatted and chatted. Here are Sharren and Karrieann.

We shared jokes and funny stories and pictures of family. (Here are Catherine, Karrieann, and Marie.) And we all roared at the Bill Cosby video of the woman from North, SC. We all know people who talk like that. Heck, WE talk like that sometimes!

Then we got to blinging shuttles. Several of us brought paper and other supplies, so we started going to town with scissors and Modge Podge. I brought skewers and we stuck them in things so we could dry and work on MORE shuttles. (Recognize that white box, Isdihara?) We had lots of possibilities for cool combinations.

Here's the partial results of blinging. I think I did six shuttles, including the one with my tiny Stumpy on it. We blinged so much that we missed lunch.

It wsn't like we were starving or anything. We ate. A little. Hee.

Enlarge me!
And then I had a wicked moment. I was sitting at the desk in my room with glue and rhinestones available and somehow, magically, the phone's buttons got rhinestones on them. Not all the buttons, just the 2, 4, 6 and 0. I didn't do it, I have no memory of this.

I think folks stayed up until after 2 pm both nights. I don't know - I pooped out before midnight.

All things must come to an end, so around 11 on Saturday, we exited our rooms. And then we went to a mega store.....

Where we met Phil. Hi, Phil! Phil is very nice. Phil agreed that we could disturb some of his store merchandise. And he even helped us with our last accomplishment, done for the benefit of a tatter who lives far away.

Names not given here to protect the guilty.



  1. ...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the memories! I am so glad to have them!

  2. I love to see tatters having fun and my oh my, it's obvious here!

  3. A tatacular weekend! Those paper clips are pretty darn cute. And I love that you call it the Awful House. Heh.

  4. Oooooh, I so wish I'd been there. What a lovely photo of the 'gals'. Next career move for you all will be in modeling lampshades, eh?

  5. Oooooh, I so wish I'd been there. What a lovely photo of the 'gals'. Next career move for you all will be in modeling lampshades, eh?

  6. Ha, ha, ha! Oh sweet mercy, it is good to laugh. Yes, I *did* mention that I wanted to know all the juicy details, especially if they involved lampshades, ha, ha!

    But never in my wildest dreams did I think y'all would go looking for lampshades just to give me a chuckle. What a hoot!

    Thanks for sharing details of your fun trip! You are so lucky to be able to gather and commiserate and bling together!

  7. Oops, forgot to ask...

    No one picked up any rogue tatting viruses, did they? One never knows when or where an outbreak may strike. or spread.

  8. From the looks of things, you all had a grand time. Tatting Buddies are the BEST Buddies!

  9. Love the Ladies of the Loopy Lampshades! Tatters! Can't take them anywhere : ))

  10. Looks like you had lots of fun! :-D I need to find a group of tatting buddies...

    I wouldn't be able to get away with the lampshade thing. Why? Because I work at a Home Depot. ;-)

  11. It looks like you girls had a lot of fun! Lampshades... hmmm...

  12. Two tatters, a tatter and a telephone,fruity tatter and five, doesn't add up!
    Mathematics isn't telling me which one is YOU!

  13. ok, so five tatters walk into a home depot... stop me if you heard this one already...

    lol, what a blast you had, love the pics :D and tyvm for sharing, love the post!

  14. Oh goodness me! What a beautiful time you ladies had! My favorite is the group portrait!!
