Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Keep calm and tat on

I've turned my teacher's application and patterns in for Palmetto Tat Days 2012. Whew!

And I've got all Moe's Boy Scout Camp applications (yes, more than one) completed and ready to mail. I also filled out the applications for camp scholarships and turned them in. Whew again!

I'm so grateful that part's over. I've been very very busy.

For a bit I felt like this. (Not really - Vader didn't even struggle.)

Now - on to the taxes. Next week will be résumé time. The time may have come for me to change jobs.

In the mean time, keep calm and tat on!


  1. good luck with the job hunt and sending Moe to camps. have fun at Palmetto days

  2. I have to admit I'm a little curious as to how Vader got in there - and back out!

  3. Congrats on getting stuff done!!
    My cat would be freaking out. Your's just looks relaxed. :o)

  4. Good luck, I hope both ventures get the results you're hoping for after all that work.

  5. Good luck. You have a full plate.

  6. Vader is so cute. Your posts always catch my eye as the pictures on the right hand side of Jane"s posts are small and not always distinguishable until they're opened. The first time I saw Vader, it was a very small picture. He was on his back. I thought it was a skunk, because of his white stripe. Today, Vader in the net was also an eye catcher. I also like your tats. Keep it up Crazy Mom. Lookin good.
